Sunday, April 20, 2008

Viewpoints excercise (catchup)

Because of the "mono" I couldn't find time to create my blog until now. So...I'm going to go through and write out a few entries as though I wrote them on the days they were supposed to be due.

Viewpoints Composition Response!

We did our viewpoints excercises today. When I heard what the assignment was (composition image of an important moment in our lives), one in particular jumped into my head and I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I was the first to go within my little group (Group C I believe), and got to work in creating the image just seconds after we stepped outside. When I was little, I was running from my parents' bedroom to the kitchen, through the dining room. In our dining room were huge windows which never had much light come in through them because of the massive rose bushes outside of them. But in this particular moment, a giant beam of light came in through the window and scared the begeezes out of me. The next thing I know, I'm outside hugging my dog waiting for my mom to get home. I have no recollection of what happened between the dining room and outside. Weird huh? So, for the composition, I picked one of the girls to play me. I had her croutch down on the ground and everyone else stood behind her with their hands stretched out towards her making ugly faces. I guess I wanted them to not only represent the giant beam of light, but the fear that I felt in the moment as well. Watching everyone else's was really interesting by seeing how some created almost literal representations of feelings or emotions at the time of their "moment" and others created abstract images of the moment itself.

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